⑨Nakanoyama Kofun


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 The Nakanoyama Kofun measures 79 meters in length, is key-hole shaped, and is believed to have been built between the end of the sixth century and the beginning of the seventh century. Construction of this type of burial mound came to an end around 600 A.D., making the Nakanoyama Kofun the last of the Sakitama Kofun Cluster to be constructed.

 Instead of haniwa sculptures like those discovered at the other mounds, gray trumpet-shaped pot-like remains were excavated around the mound. They look like ‘sueki’ pots, and were aligned along the mound. Further analysis recently revealed that these sueki-type haniwa pots were fired in a kiln found at Sueno Ruins in Yorii Town, Saitama Prefecture, approximately 30 kilometers away.

Sueki-type haniwa pots

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